The Council

The council acts as a coordinating and decision-making body on behalf of the Church. Each of our seven key ministry teams is represented on Council: Deacons, Missions, Facility & Finance, Adult, Youth, Children and Worship. The Council is responsible to the Church and under our model of congregational governance, final authority rests with the Church members.

Our Staff

Our staff are passionate. They have been called by God and His church here in Douglas to lead and oversee the day-to-day operations of the church with the help and support of our seven ministry teams. Their role is not to do it all but to encourage and equip others.

Meet Our Staff

Rev. Peter Moore

Lead Pastor

Pastor Peter grew up in Saint John and moved to the Moncton area to attend ABU (now Crandall University). This is where he met his wife Patricia. They married in 1996 and have five wonderful children: Adam (who is married to Faith), Caleb, Nathanael (who is married to Jillian), Jonah (who is married to Morgan), and Leah. A new role that Peter has entered into is that of a grandparent. He is the proud Papa of Elizabeth! Peter enjoys fishing in the spring, biking in the summer, going for walks in the orchard in the fall and lots of snow in the winter! Peter has been the Lead Pastor here at DBC since September 2005 when he returned from the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia following the completion of his master’s degree at Acadia Divinity College and serving at Bethany Memorial Baptist Church. Peter’s call to Douglas was a homecoming of sorts as he had the opportunity to serve as Youth Pastor at Douglas from 1997 to 2002.

Amy Gordon

Youth & Young Adults Director

Amy loves connecting with students and young adults and considers it a privilege to journey through life with them. From mission tours, leader meetings, youth group, special events, and retreats – she loves it all, but her favourite thing is seeing the next generation take steps toward Jesus. Amy and her husband Joel have three beautiful girls: Lily, Savannah and Isabella. Amy enjoys hosting friends and family, decorating, plants, and DIY projects. Amy joined the DBC staff full-time in January 2018 and is currently taking her Bachelor of Theology part-time through Acadia University and Acadia Divinity College.

Patricia Moore

Children's Director

Patricia has a passion for children, parents (and really all people). Pair that with her deep love for Jesus, and you’ll see Patricia faithfully serves and shines the light of Jesus to those around her. Patricia knows a thing or two about kids—she has five of her own, and a precious granddaughter too! Patricia has served with her husband (Pastor Peter) for over 14 years here at DBC. Patricia loves to cook, plan special events and spend time with family & friends. In February 2018, Patricia joined the staff of Douglas Baptist Church on a part-time basis.

Nathanael Moore

Worship Director

Nathanael Moore is a bivocational worship leader and biologist from Douglas, NB. He and his wife Jillian Moore (Lewis) were married in the spring of 2022 and live in Fredericton. Nathanael currently serves part-time as the Worship Director at DBC, the church he grew up attending. Nathanael’s duties at DBC include preparing songs for services, leading the worship and tech teams both for online and in-person experiences, and helping musicians grow. He’s passionate about music, sports, and biology, but most importantly he cares about creating a space for people to meet God where they are. When he isn’t playing his guitar or another instrument, you’ll find him fishing on the Wolastoq River – although who knows if he’ll catch anything…